Privacy Policy

Data protection
Information about the acquisition, processing and use of your personal data
Your trust in the correct handling of your data is an important prerequisite for the success of our online offering. For this reason we place great importance on the protection of data. The acquisition, processing (in particular the storage, amendment, transmission, blocking and deletion) and use of your data takes place exclusively in compliance with the applicable data protection legislation.
Our basic principles for the acquisition, processing and use of your data take the following form:

Personal data
Personal data is information concerned with the identity of a person, such as name, address, date of birth or email address. This sort of data is required when you open an account. This personal data is used only by us.

Acquisition, processing and use of personal data
As a matter of principle, we do not acquire, process and/or use any personal data from you when you use our website.

If your name, email address or other personal data is acquired, processed and used for special offers, your attention will be drawn to this at the corresponding point. SIMEKO AG complies with the legal regulations governing the protection of data whenever personal data is acquired, processed and used. In particular, data is treated confidentially. Personal data will not be passed on unless we are obliged to do so, for example due to a court order or an official directive.

Usage data
When you visit our website, we store the domain name or IP address of the enquiring computer, the client’s file request (file name and URL), the http answer code, the webpage from which you are visiting us and the date and duration of your visit. This storage takes place for the purposes of determining disruptions or the misuse of our website. Your usage data is not evaluated in order to create a personally-related usage profile. In the case of disruptions or misuse, we reserve the right to report this to law enforcement agencies. There is no other use or passing on of your usage data to third parties beyond this.

Use of cookies
What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file sent by WWW servers when a webpage is visited and stored intermediately on the respective user’s hard disc. If the corresponding server is called up again, the user’s browser sends the previously received cookie back to the server. The server can evaluate the information received via this procedure in different ways. For example, navigation through a website can be facilitated by cookies.

The first time our website is visited by a user, a cookie is sent to the user’s browser and then stored on the user’s hard disc. This cookie is used exclusively to determine whether or not the user, when visiting again, has visited this page of our website before. The cookie does not contain any personal information and serves the exclusive purpose of creating statistics on the number of times a user has visited the corresponding page.

Correction of the data and revokement
SIMEKO AG makes every effort to store your personal data correctly. The personal user data of community members and users of our special services can be viewed and edited in the ‘Profile’ section. We enable you to access your registration data online on the respective page of our website where you entered your data and where you can update, correct, supplement and delete the data.

In order to protect your privacy and your security, we take all necessary measures to check your identity before allowing you to access this data. To gain access to your personal data, go to the ‘Profile’ section on our website and follow the instructions given there.

If you should have any reason to suspect that we have stored your data incorrectly or if you would like us to remove your data, please contact us at the following email address:

No liability for partners’ websites
We link to partners on our webpages who in turn also offer websites and web services. These will as a rule include their own data protection declarations. SIMEKO AG cannot accept any liability for declarations not made in relation to us. We therefore request you to inform yourself there about the respective data protection practice.

Data security
We at SIMEKO AG consider the security of your data to be our duty. In order to prevent unauthorised access or unauthorised disclosures and in order to ensure the correctness and the authorised use of the data, we have set up appropriate technical and organisational processes to secure and protect the data that we request online. Nevertheless, SIMEKO AG cannot accept any responsibility or liability for the disclosure of your data as a result of errors in data transmission and/or unauthorised access by third parties.

If you require information or have any suggestions regarding the subject of data protection, we are at your disposal at the email address

Änderung der Amendment to the data protection declaration 
SIMEKO AG reserves the right to amend this data protection declaration at any time in compliance with the applicable data protection legislation.

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